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Effective July 1, 2023, the DC Housing Authority (DCHA) is modifying the process for determining rent reasonableness and utility allowances in accordance with HUD guidelines.  DCHA has procured software from an industry-leading company to complete unit-by-unit rent reasonableness assessments for the agency. The company is


When a Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) is submitted, DCHA will use to determine whether the contract rent proposed by the owner is reasonable. This process may require landlords to submit information about the location, size, type, and age of the unit, as well as some amenities and utilities provided by the owner.

If the contract rent does NOT meet rent reasonable threshold, DCHA, through the landlord portal, will advise the landlord that the rent needs to be adjusted for the Agency to continue the leasing process.

If the contract rent IS determined to be reasonable, DCHA will verify the landlord-reported features during the inspection.


No changes are being made to existing contract rents at this time UNLESS there is a move or a request for rent increase. All requests for rent increases are subject to rent reasonable review. Note that if an increase is requested and the rent reasonable amount is lower than the current contract rent amount, the contract rent will be adjusted as is required by Federal Regulations.

For more information, please consider reviewing the Frequently Asked Questions or DCHA’s Presentation on Rent Reasonableness below.  Utility allowance schedules may be found here.

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