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Housing Voucher Application Forms

Housing Voucher Application Forms – Updated 2024

This application was recently redesigned based on a collaboration with DCHA, DC Department of Human Services and The Lab @ DC to improve how DC residents get and use vouchers.

If you received a notification from DCHA, a DC government agency or your caseworker, follow the steps below to complete an application for a voucher.  

Only complete an application if you received a notification. Follow the instructions that were included in your notification.  

Once DCHA receives the completed application including any required supporting materials, DCHA processes it to confirm eligibility based on the relevant eligibility requirements.

Important tips & resources
  • You can submit applications for a voucher using the forms at the links below starting February 1, 2024. 
  • Start with the link every time. If there have been any updates to the forms, you’ll be using the latest version.
  • Download the form before filling it out. Save the form on your device to ensure you’re in an editable, not a read-only, version. 
  • This what’s new guide summarizes key changes and features of the re-designed application. 
  • This fillable PDF how-to guide reviews the functionalities of the new application. 
  • For more information on how to fill out the form, review the deck for the training. 


Steps to Apply for a Voucher

1. Complete and sign each of these forms:  
  • If you’re applying for a federally funded voucher or a locally funded voucher, first complete the Housing Voucher Core Application  
  • If you’re applying for a federally funded voucher, also known as the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP), complete a Federal Supplement 
  • If you’re applying for a locally funded voucher, also known as the Local Rent Subsidy Program (LRSP), complete a Local Supplement.

2. Gather documents to submit with the application:
  • If you are applying to a locally funded voucher, use the document guide on the last page of your Local Supplement to make sure you have everything you need.   
  • If you can’t easily get the documents you need, use verification forms instead:  


3. Submit your application.   
  • Merge the core application, supplement, documents, verifications, and referral form (if needed) into one PDF and submit per the instructions you have received in your notification.
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